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Maximizing Anchor Text Diversity For Improved SEO

Anchor text diversity is an important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that can affect the credibility and authority of a website.

In this article, we explore the concept of anchor text diversity and its role in SEO, including how it can be measured, how it can be influenced by the content of a webpage or the overall topic of a website, and how it compares to other ranking factors such as backlinks and keyword usage.

By understanding the importance of anchor text diversity, website owners can optimize their use of internal and external links to improve their search rankings and increase the credibility of their website.


Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink that takes users to another webpage. In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), anchor text is an important factor that can influence the ranking of a website in search results. One aspect of anchor text that is particularly important for SEO is diversity, or the variety of different types of anchor text used on a website.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of anchor text diversity and its importance for SEO.

We will explore how anchor text diversity can affect the credibility and authority of a website, how it can be measured, and how it can be optimized for both internal and external links.

We will also compare anchor text diversity to other ranking factors such as backlinks and keyword usage, and consider the role of branded anchor text in the context of anchor text diversity.

By understanding the importance of anchor text diversity, website owners can take steps to optimize their use of internal and external links to improve their search rankings and increase the credibility of their website.

What Is Anchor Text Diversity and Why Is It Important for SEO?

Anchor text diversity refers to the variety of words and phrases used as the clickable text in a hyperlink.

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), anchor text diversity is important because it helps search engines understand the context and relevance of a webpage.

When a website includes a variety of anchor text in its internal and external links, it demonstrates to search engines that the webpage is connected to a range of related topics and not just focused on a single keyword or phrase. This can help the webpage rank more effectively for a broader range of search queries and improve its overall SEO performance.

For example, if a webpage about dog training only includes links with anchor text such as "dog training," "how to train your dog," and "tips for training your dog," a search engine may conclude that the webpage is only relevant for searches related to dog training. However, if the webpage also includes links with anchor text such as "puppy care," "dog breeds," and "pet behavior," it demonstrates to the search engine that the webpage is a comprehensive resource about a range of topics related to dogs. This can help the webpage rank more effectively for a broader range of searches related to dogs, such as "how to care for a puppy" or "best dog breeds for families."

In addition to improving SEO performance, anchor text diversity can also improve the user experience of a website. When a website includes a variety of anchor text, it can make the content more engaging and easier to navigate for users. It can also help users find the information they are looking for more easily and make it more likely that they will stay on the website longer and explore more pages.

There are several ways to achieve anchor text diversity on a website. One approach is to use a variety of descriptive phrases as anchor text rather than just repeating the same keyword or phrase. For example, instead of using the anchor text "dog training" multiple times, a webpage could use anchor text such as "how to teach your dog to sit," "dog obedience training techniques," and "crate training for puppies."

Another approach is to use a combination of branded and non-branded anchor text. Branded anchor text is a phrase that includes the brand name of a company or website, while non-branded anchor text is a phrase that does not include the brand name. Using a combination of both types of anchor text can help a website rank for both branded and non-branded searches.

It's important to note that anchor text diversity is just one factor that search engines consider when ranking webpages. It's important to have a well-rounded SEO strategy that includes other elements such as high-quality content, relevant keywords, and a strong website structure. However, incorporating anchor text diversity into your SEO strategy can help improve the overall performance of your website and make it more appealing to both search engines and users.

How Does Anchor Text Diversity Affect the Credibility and Authority of a Website?

Anchor text diversity refers to the variety of words or phrases used to link to a specific website or webpage.

This is an important factor in the credibility and authority of a website because it can signal to search engines and users the relevance and credibility of the linked website.

When a website has a diverse range of anchor text, it shows that the website is being linked to from a variety of sources and for a variety of reasons. This indicates to search engines that the website is a reputable source of information and is worth ranking higher in search results. On the other hand, if a website is only linked to using a specific, repetitive phrase as anchor text, it may appear spammy or artificial, and may negatively affect the credibility and authority of the website.

Furthermore, anchor text diversity can also help to improve the user experience of a website. When a website is linked to using a variety of anchor text, it can provide users with a clearer understanding of the content and purpose of the linked website. This can help to increase the credibility and authority of the website, as users are more likely to trust and rely on a website that is clearly and accurately described.

In addition to improving search engine ranking and user experience, anchor text diversity can also help to increase the credibility and authority of a website by demonstrating the website's expertise in a particular subject matter. If a website is linked to using a variety of anchor text related to a specific topic, it can show that the website is a reliable and trustworthy source of information on that topic. This can help to build the credibility and authority of the website, as users are more likely to turn to the website for expert advice and information.

However, it is important to note that anchor text diversity should be used in moderation. While it is important to have a variety of anchor text, overuse of anchor text diversity can appear spammy and may negatively affect the credibility and authority of a website. It is important to strike a balance between using a variety of anchor text and maintaining the credibility and authority of the website.

In conclusion, anchor text diversity is an important factor in the credibility and authority of a website. A diverse range of anchor text can improve search engine ranking, improve the user experience, and demonstrate the website's expertise in a particular subject matter. However, it is important to use anchor text diversity in moderation to maintain the credibility and authority of the website.

Can Having Too Much Anchor Text Diversity Hurt a Website's Ranking in Search Results?

When it comes to SEO, anchor text is an important factor that can impact a website's ranking in search results. Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink that takes users to another webpage. It is typically used to provide context for the linked page and to help search engines understand the content on the page.

However, having too much anchor text diversity can potentially hurt a website's ranking in search results.

Here's why:

  • It can dilute the overall message of the website: When a website has too much anchor text diversity, it can make it harder for search engines to understand the overall message and purpose of the website. This can lead to a lower ranking in search results as search engines may not see the website as relevant or valuable to users.
  • It can cause confusion for users: When a website has too much anchor text diversity, it can be confusing for users as they may not know what to expect when clicking on a link. This can lead to a higher bounce rate, as users may leave the website quickly after arriving if they do not find what they were expecting.
  • It can harm the credibility of the website: When a website has too much anchor text diversity, it can make it appear as though the website is trying to manipulate search rankings or spam links. This can lead to a lower ranking in search results as well as a loss of credibility with users.

So, how much anchor text diversity is too much?

The answer is subjective and depends on the specific website and industry. However, it is generally recommended to have a mix of anchor text rather than relying on the same anchor text repeatedly.

To determine the right balance of anchor text diversity, it is important to consider the following:

  • The overall message and purpose of the website: It is important to have anchor text that accurately reflects the content and purpose of the website. This can help search engines and users understand the value of the website and the content it provides.
  • The type of content on the website: Different types of content may require different types of anchor text. For example, a news website may benefit from using more diverse anchor text to reflect the variety of articles on the website, while a website that focuses on a specific product or service may benefit from more targeted anchor text.
  • The target audience of the website: The anchor text should be tailored to the target audience of the website. For example, if the website is targeted towards a younger, tech-savvy audience, it may be appropriate to use more modern and casual anchor text.

In conclusion, having too much anchor text diversity can potentially hurt a website's ranking in search results by diluting the overall message of the website, causing confusion for users, and harming the credibility of the website. It is important to strike a balance and have a mix of anchor text rather than relying on the same anchor text repeatedly. To determine the right balance, consider the overall message and purpose of the website, the type of content on the website, and the target audience of the website.

How Can a Website Owner Ensure That Their Anchor Text Is Diverse and Not Repetitive?

Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. It is important for website owners to have diverse anchor text for a number of reasons.

First, having a variety of anchor text can help improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website. Search engines use the anchor text of incoming links as a factor in determining the relevance of a website for a particular search query.

If a website has a lot of incoming links with the same anchor text, it can signal to search engines that the website is not very diverse and may not be as relevant for a particular search query.

There are a few ways that website owners can ensure that their anchor text is diverse and not repetitive:

  • Use descriptive anchor text: Instead of using the same anchor text over and over again, try to use descriptive anchor text that accurately reflects the content of the linked page. For example, instead of using "click here" as the anchor text, use a phrase that describes the content of the linked page, such as "learn more about SEO best practices."
  • Mix up the anchor text: Instead of using the same anchor text for every link, try using a variety of different anchor text. This can include using long-tail keywords, brand names, and other relevant phrases.
  • Use branded anchor text: Using branded anchor text, such as the name of a company or product, can help diversify the anchor text of a website. This can be particularly useful for websites that sell products or services, as it can help establish the website as a trusted and reputable source.
  • Use contextual anchor text: Contextual anchor text is anchor text that is relevant to the content of the page it is linking to. For example, if a website is discussing a particular topic and includes a link to a page with more information on that topic, the anchor text could be a relevant keyword or phrase. Using contextual anchor text can help improve the SEO of a website and make the anchor text more diverse.

In summary, website owners can ensure that their anchor text is diverse and not repetitive by using descriptive anchor text, mixing up the anchor text, using branded anchor text, and using contextual anchor text. By following these best practices, website owners can improve the SEO of their website and make their anchor text more diverse and effective.

Is It Possible to Measure the Diversity of a Website's Anchor Text? If So, How?

Yes, it is possible to measure the diversity of a website's anchor text. Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink.

It is an important factor in search engine optimization (SEO) because it helps search engines understand the context and relevance of the linked webpage.

To measure the diversity of a website's anchor text, there are several methods that can be used:

  • Analyzing the anchor text distribution: This involves examining the frequency and percentage of each anchor text used on the website. For example, if a website has a high percentage of anchor texts that are the same or similar, it indicates a lack of diversity. On the other hand, a diverse anchor text distribution would include a variety of anchor texts that accurately reflect the content of the linked webpage.
  • Using tools: There are several SEO tools available that can help analyze the diversity of a website's anchor text. These tools can provide a breakdown of the different anchor texts used on the website, as well as the frequency and percentage of each one. Some tools even offer a visual representation of the anchor text distribution, which can be helpful for understanding the overall diversity of the website.
  • Examining inbound and outbound links: Another way to measure the diversity of a website's anchor text is by analyzing the inbound and outbound links on the website. Inbound links are those that point to the website, while outbound links are those that the website points to. Examining the anchor texts used on both inbound and outbound links can provide valuable insights into the overall diversity of the website.
  • Evaluating the anchor text variety: Another method of measuring anchor text diversity is by evaluating the variety of anchor texts used on the website. This can be done by examining the different types of anchor texts used, such as branded, keyword-rich, and generic anchor texts. A diverse anchor text variety would include a mix of different types of anchor texts, rather than relying heavily on a single type.
  • Checking the anchor text to content ratio: Another way to measure anchor text diversity is by comparing the anchor text to the content of the linked webpage. If the anchor text accurately reflects the content of the webpage, it indicates a diverse anchor text strategy. On the other hand, if the anchor text does not accurately reflect the content of the webpage, it could be a sign of a lack of diversity.

In conclusion, measuring the diversity of a website's anchor text is an important aspect of SEO. There are several methods that can be used to evaluate the diversity of anchor texts, including analyzing the anchor text distribution, using tools, examining inbound and outbound links, evaluating the anchor text variety, and checking the anchor text to content ratio.

By understanding the diversity of a website's anchor text, businesses can improve their SEO strategy and ensure that their website is ranking well in search engine results.

Can Anchor Text Diversity Be Influenced by the Content of a Webpage or the Overall Topic of a Website?

Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink that directs the user to another webpage.

It is an important element in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because it provides context to the search engines about the destination webpage, helping them to understand the content and relevance of the linked page.

The diversity of anchor text can be influenced by the content of a webpage or the overall topic of a website. This is because the anchor text should accurately reflect the content of the linked webpage and the overall theme of the website.

For example, if a website is about gardening and the linked webpage is about the best plants for a sunny garden, the anchor text should include keywords related to gardening and sunny plants. This will help the search engines understand the content of the linked webpage and how it fits into the overall theme of the website.

On the other hand, if the anchor text does not accurately reflect the content of the linked webpage or the overall theme of the website, it can be seen as spammy or irrelevant by the search engines, leading to a lower ranking in search results. This is why it is important to ensure that the anchor text is diverse and accurately reflects the content of the linked webpage and the overall theme of the website.

One way to influence the diversity of anchor text is to vary the language and keywords used in the anchor text. For example, instead of using the same anchor text for all links, such as "click here" or "learn more," you can use a variety of anchor text that reflects the content of the linked webpage and the overall theme of the website.

For example, if the website is about gardening and the linked webpage is about the best plants for a sunny garden, you can use anchor text such as "sun-loving plants for your garden," "top plants for sunny gardens," or "best plants for a sunny garden." This will help the search engines understand the content of the linked webpage and how it fits into the overall theme of the website.

Another way to influence the diversity of anchor text is to use a mix of brand name and keyword-rich anchor text. This can help the search engines understand the relevance of the linked webpage to the overall theme of the website while also highlighting the brand name.

For example, if the website is about gardening and the linked webpage is about the best plants for a sunny garden, you can use anchor text such as "Gardener's World's top plants for sunny gardens" or "Sun-loving plants recommended by Gardener's World." This will help the search engines understand the content of the linked webpage and how it fits into the overall theme of the website while also highlighting the brand name.

In conclusion, the diversity of anchor text can be influenced by the content of a webpage or the overall topic of a website. This is because the anchor text should accurately reflect the content of the linked webpage and the overall theme of the website to avoid being seen as spammy or irrelevant by the search engines. To influence the diversity of anchor text, you can vary the language and keywords used in the anchor text and use a mix of brand name and keyword-rich anchor text. By doing so, you can help the search engines understand the content and relevance of the linked webpage and improve the ranking of your website in search results.

How Does the Use of Branded Anchor Text Fit Into Considerations of Anchor Text Diversity?

Anchor text refers to the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. It is an important element in search engine optimization (SEO) because it helps search engines understand the context and relevance of the linked page.

However, overusing the same anchor text can raise red flags for search engines and lead to a penalty. This is where branded anchor text comes in.

Branded anchor text is when a company's brand name or trademark is used as the anchor text. For example, if a company called "Acme Corporation" has a website, using "Acme Corporation" as the anchor text in a hyperlink would be considered branded anchor text.

One consideration when it comes to anchor text diversity is the use of branded anchor text. While it is important to include branded anchor text in your links, it should not be the only type of anchor text used. This is because search engines look for a diverse range of anchor text as a sign of natural, authoritative linking.

If a website only uses branded anchor text, it can appear spammy or manipulative to search engines. This is because it may seem like the website is trying to artificially boost its own rankings by using its brand name as anchor text in every link.

On the other hand, if a website uses a mix of branded and non-branded anchor text, it can be seen as more natural and authoritative. Non-branded anchor text refers to anchor text that does not include a brand name or trademark. This can include descriptive phrases, keywords, and generic terms like "click here" or "read more."

Using a mix of branded and non-branded anchor text can help improve the overall diversity of a website's anchor text. This can be especially beneficial for websites that have a strong brand presence, as branded anchor text can still play a role in their SEO strategy without overwhelming other types of anchor text.

In addition to anchor text diversity, there are other considerations to keep in mind when using branded anchor text. One is to make sure that the branded anchor text is relevant to the linked page. For example, if a website is linking to a page about a product from "Acme Corporation," using "Acme Corporation" as the anchor text is appropriate. However, if the page is about a different topic, using "Acme Corporation" as the anchor text may not be as relevant.

Another consideration is to use branded anchor text sparingly. While it is important to include branded anchor text in a website's links, overusing it can dilute its effectiveness. It is recommended to use branded anchor text in a small percentage of total links, with the majority being non-branded anchor text.

In conclusion, the use of branded anchor text is an important consideration in anchor text diversity. While it is important to include branded anchor text in a website's links, it should not be the only type of anchor text used. A mix of branded and non-branded anchor text is recommended for a more diverse and natural link profile. It is also important to make sure that the branded anchor text is relevant to the linked page and to use it sparingly. By following these guidelines, a website can effectively incorporate branded anchor text into its SEO strategy without negatively impacting its search rankings.

Can Anchor Text Diversity Be Optimized for Both Internal and External Links?

Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. It is the text that appears highlighted and underlined, and when clicked, it takes the user to a different webpage or section within the same webpage.

Anchor text is an important factor in search engine optimization (SEO) as it helps search engines understand the context and relevance of a webpage.

Optimizing anchor text can be beneficial for both internal and external links. Internal links refer to links that point to other pages within the same website, whereas external links refer to links that point to a different website.

For internal links, anchor text optimization can help improve the overall navigation and user experience of a website. By using descriptive and relevant anchor text, users can easily understand the content and purpose of a webpage, and it also helps search engines understand the relationship between pages within the website.

For example, if a website has a page about "dog training tips," using the anchor text "dog training tips" for an internal link to that page would be more effective than using the anchor text "click here" or "more information." This is because the descriptive anchor text gives the user and search engines a clear indication of the content on the linked page.

Internal link anchor text optimization can also be used to emphasize the importance of certain pages or topics within a website. For example, if a website has a page about the company's mission statement, using the anchor text "mission statement" or "company values" in internal links to that page would show its importance and relevance to the overall website content.

External links are links that point to a different website. Optimizing anchor text for external links can help improve the credibility and authority of a website. By linking to high-quality and relevant sources, a website can demonstrate its expertise and reliability in its industry.

For example, if a website about nutrition includes a link to a reputable nutrition journal, using the anchor text "nutrition journal" or "reputable source" would be more effective than using the anchor text "click here" or "more information." This is because the anchor text gives the user and search engines a clear indication of the content and credibility of the linked page.

However, it is important to note that over-optimizing anchor text, particularly for external links, can be seen as spammy or manipulative by search engines. It is recommended to vary anchor text and use a mix of descriptive, relevant, and branded anchor text for both internal and external links.

Using a diverse range of anchor text can also help a website rank for a wider range of keywords and topics. For example, if a website about dog training uses the anchor text "dog training" for all its internal and external links, it may only rank well for that specific keyword. However, if it uses a variety of anchor text such as "dog obedience," "puppy training," and "behaviour modification," it may rank well for a wider range of keywords related to dog training.

Overall, anchor text diversity can be optimized for both internal and external links by using descriptive, relevant, and varied anchor text that helps improve the user experience, credibility, and keyword ranking of a website. It is important to avoid over-optimizing anchor text and to vary the anchor text to avoid appearing spammy or manipulative to search engines.

How Do the Different Types of Anchor Text (E.g. Exact Match, Partial Match, Branded, Generic) Contribute to Anchor Text Diversity?

Anchor text, also known as the clickable text in a hyperlink, plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) and can greatly impact a website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are several different types of anchor text, including exact match, partial match, branded, and generic, and each of these can contribute to anchor text diversity in their own way.

Exact match anchor text is exactly what it sounds like - it consists of the exact keyword or phrase that a webpage is trying to rank for. For example, if a webpage is trying to rank for the keyword “best pizza,” then an exact match anchor text would be “best pizza.” Using exact match anchor text can be a helpful way to signal to search engines what the webpage is about, but it is important to use it in moderation. Overuse of exact match anchor text can come across as spammy and may even result in a penalty from search engines.

Partial match anchor text is similar to exact match, but it includes only part of the targeted keyword or phrase. For example, if a webpage is trying to rank for “best pizza,” then a partial match anchor text might be “best pizza in town.” Partial match anchor text can be a good way to mix things up and add some variety to your anchor text, while still signalling to search engines what the webpage is about.

Branded anchor text is any anchor text that includes the brand name of a company or website. For example, if a webpage is trying to rank for “best pizza,” then a branded anchor text might be “Papa John’s.” Branded anchor text is a good way to establish credibility and build brand awareness, as it tells search engines that the webpage is associated with a well-known brand.

Generic anchor text is any anchor text that does not specifically target a keyword or phrase. For example, a generic anchor text might be “click here” or “learn more.” While generic anchor text may not be as effective at signalling to search engines what a webpage is about, it can be a good way to add diversity to your anchor text and break up the monotony of exact and partial match anchor text.

All of these different types of anchor text can contribute to anchor text diversity in their own way. By using a combination of exact match, partial match, branded, and generic anchor text, you can create a well-rounded and diverse anchor text profile that will help improve your website’s ranking on SERPs.

Exact match anchor text can be a useful way to signal to search engines what a webpage is about, but it is important to use it in moderation to avoid coming across as spammy. Partial match anchor text can be a good way to mix things up and add some variety to your anchor text, while still signalling to search engines what the webpage is about. Branded anchor text is a good way to establish credibility and build brand awareness, as it tells search engines that the webpage is associated with a well-known brand. And generic anchor text can be a good way to add diversity to your anchor text and break up the monotony of exact and partial match anchor text.

Overall, it is important to have a diverse anchor text profile in order to improve your website’s ranking on SERPs and avoid being penalized by search engines. By using a combination of different types of anchor text, you can create a well-rounded and diverse anchor text profile that will help improve your website’s ranking and increase traffic.

How Does Anchor Text Diversity Compare to Other Ranking Factors, Such as Backlinks and Keyword Usage, in Terms of Its Impact on SEO?

Anchor text diversity refers to the variety of words and phrases used as the clickable text in a hyperlink.

It is an important ranking factor in search engine optimization (SEO) because it helps search engines understand the context and relevance of the linked webpage.

However, anchor text diversity should not be the only focus when optimizing a website for search engines. Other ranking factors, such as backlinks and keyword usage, also play a significant role in determining a website's search engine ranking.

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to a specific webpage. They are important because they serve as a vote of confidence for the linked webpage, indicating to search engines that the content is valuable and relevant. A high number of quality backlinks can improve a website's search engine ranking.

Keyword usage, on the other hand, refers to the frequency and relevance of specific keywords within a webpage's content. Using relevant keywords in the content, titles, and meta tags helps search engines understand what the webpage is about and whether it is a good match for a particular search query.

In terms of their impact on SEO, all three ranking factors - anchor text diversity, backlinks, and keyword usage - are important, but they are not equal. Backlinks and keyword usage tend to have a stronger influence on a website's search engine ranking than anchor text diversity.

This is because backlinks and keyword usage are more directly related to the content and quality of a website. A high number of quality backlinks indicates that the website is popular and valuable, and well-researched keyword usage helps search engines understand the content and its relevance to specific search queries.

Anchor text diversity, on the other hand, is more of a supplementary ranking factor. It can help search engines understand the context and relevance of the linked webpage, but it is not as directly related to the quality and value of the website as backlinks and keyword usage.

However, anchor text diversity is still important because it helps prevent over-optimization and manipulation of the search engine ranking. If all the anchor text for a website's links is the same or similar, it can appear unnatural and spammy to search engines. This can lead to a penalty or a lower ranking in search results.

Therefore, it is important to have a diverse range of anchor text for the links on a website. This can include the name of the linked webpage, the brand, the website's main keywords, and variations of these phrases.

In conclusion, anchor text diversity is an important ranking factor in SEO, but it is not as influential as backlinks and keyword usage. It is important to have a diverse range of anchor text to help search engines understand the context and relevance of the linked webpage, but it should not be the sole focus when optimizing a website for search engines. Other ranking factors, such as backlinks and keyword usage, should also be considered to improve a website's search engine ranking.

Using Search Engine Models for Anchor Text Diversity

Using Search Engine Models for Anchor Text Diversity

Market Brew's Anchor Text Graph provides a comprehensive view of a website’s anchor text structure. Market Brew users can instantly identify any lack of anchor text diversity and see recommendations for improvement.

Market Brew's Anchor Text Graph shows the entire competitive landscape as well. Any sites that are a part of search engine models related to the target site are included.

This means that Market Brew users can investigate how competitors are utilizing their anchor text diversity in comparison with their own site.

This helps users optimize anchor text diversity by identifying any gaps in a website’s anchor text profile. By analyzing the Anchor Text Graph, Market Brew users can easily add and test a variety of anchor text to improve the website’s overall diversity.

Market Brew's Anchor Text Finder

Many of the Market Brew modeled algorithms use anchor text diversity as part of their formulas. For instance, the Market Focus and Spotlight Focus algorithms use anchor text diversity in order to shape their final basket of phrases or entities.

Anchor Text Finder

Additionally, Link Scorecard screens show how anchor text diversity can affect the value of a given link. For example, links that have similar anchor text will not pass as much Link Flow Share as a link that has different anchor text.

Link Scorecard

Overall, Market Brew’s search engine models can greatly help with anchor text diversity by providing an accurate view of a website’s anchor text profile, identifying any overused or spammy anchor text, and identifying gaps in a website’s anchor text profile.

By using a combination of the Anchor Text Graph, Link Scorecards, Market Focus and Spotlight Focus algorithms, Market Brew users can understand valuable insights and recommendations for improving a website’s anchor text diversity and ultimately improving its ranking on SERPs.