Market Brew

The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO

Local SEO is a crucial aspect of digital marketing for businesses looking to increase their online visibility and attract customers within their geographic area.

In this article, we explore the key questions about Local SEO to help businesses better understand the importance and strategies of this marketing approach.


If you own a local business, you know that attracting customers within your geographic area is essential to your success. One effective way to do this is through Local SEO, or the process of optimizing your online presence to appear more prominently in search results for users searching for businesses in their local area.

In this article, we will delve into common questions about Local SEO to help you better understand this important marketing strategy and how it can benefit your business.

What Is Local SEO and How Does It Differ from Traditional SEO?

Local SEO is a specific type of search engine optimization (SEO) focused on improving the visibility of a business in local search results.

This means that when someone searches for a specific product or service in a specific location, the local businesses that show up in the search results are optimized for local SEO.

Traditional SEO, on the other hand, focuses on improving the visibility of a website in general search results, regardless of location.

One of the main differences between local and traditional SEO is the use of local citations and directories. Local citations are mentions of a business’s name, address, and phone number (also known as NAP) on other websites, such as online directories and review sites. These citations help search engines understand that a business exists and is located in a specific area. Local directories, such as Google My Business and Bing Places, allow businesses to list their information and allow users to leave reviews. These directories are important for local SEO because they help search engines understand the location and reputation of a business.

Another key difference is the use of keywords. In traditional SEO, keywords are used to optimize a website for specific search terms. For example, if a company sells shoes, they may use keywords such as “shoes,” “sneakers,” and “athletic footwear” to optimize their website for those terms. In local SEO, keywords are still important, but they are often combined with the location of the business. For example, a shoe store in New York City may use the keywords “shoes in New York City” or “New York City shoe store.” This helps search engines understand that the business is located in a specific area and is relevant to users searching for products or services in that location.

Another factor that sets local SEO apart from traditional SEO is the use of on-page optimization. On-page optimization refers to the content and structure of a website. In local SEO, it is important to include NAP information and the location of the business on the website. This helps search engines understand the location and relevance of the business. It is also important to include local keywords in the website content and titles, as well as to use header tags and alt tags to emphasize the location of the business.

One final difference between local and traditional SEO is the use of off-page optimization. Off-page optimization refers to the links and signals from other websites that help improve the visibility of a website in search results. In local SEO, it is important to focus on getting local citations and links from websites that are relevant to the business and located in the same area. For example, a local shoe store may want to get listed in a local directory and get links from other local businesses or organizations. This helps search engines understand that the business is an important and relevant part of the local community.

In conclusion, local SEO is a specific type of search engine optimization focused on improving the visibility of a business in local search results. It differs from traditional SEO in that it emphasizes the use of local citations, directories, and keywords, as well as on-page and off-page optimization strategies that are specific to a particular location. By optimizing for local SEO, businesses can improve their visibility to potential customers in their area and stand out from their competitors.

How Do Local Citations and Backlinks Impact Local SEO?

Local citations and backlinks are two important factors that impact the local search engine optimization (SEO) of a business.

Local citations refer to the mentions of a business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) on other websites, while backlinks refer to the links that point to a website from other sites.

Both of these elements play a critical role in determining a business’s visibility and ranking in local search results.

Local citations are important because they help search engines understand the credibility and relevance of a business. When a business’s NAP is mentioned on other websites, it signals to search engines that the business is an established and reputable entity. This, in turn, can help the business rank higher in local search results. Additionally, local citations can also help a business’s website gain more visibility and traffic, as they can be a source of referral traffic to the website.

Backlinks, on the other hand, are important because they signal to search engines the popularity and authority of a website. When a website has many high-quality backlinks from other reputable websites, it tells search engines that the website is a valuable resource for users. This can lead to higher rankings in search results, as well as increased visibility and traffic for the website. Additionally, backlinks can also help establish trust and credibility for a business.

To maximize the impact of local citations and backlinks on local SEO, businesses should focus on building a comprehensive and consistent NAP across all web platforms. This means ensuring that the business’s NAP is accurate and consistent across all platforms, including the business’s website, social media profiles, and local directories. Additionally, businesses should also focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant websites. This can be done through guest blogging, creating valuable content, and reaching out to other websites to request links.

In conclusion, local citations and backlinks are important elements that impact local SEO. By building a comprehensive and consistent NAP and focusing on high-quality backlinks, businesses can improve their visibility and ranking in local search results. This, in turn, can lead to increased visibility, traffic, and revenue for the business. It's also important to use a professional citation services to ensure that your business is listed in all the right directories. This service will also help you keep track of all your listings and ensure they are all up-to-date.

How Do Google My Business and Yelp Play a Role in Local SEO?

Google My Business and Yelp are two essential tools for local SEO, as they allow businesses to showcase their products and services to potential customers in their area.

Google My Business is a free tool offered by Google that allows businesses to create a listing on Google Maps and Google Search. This listing includes important information such as the business's location, hours of operation, contact information, and reviews.

By verifying and optimizing a Google My Business listing, businesses can increase their visibility in local search results, making it easier for customers to find them.

One way Google My Business impacts local SEO is through its influence on Google's Local Pack, which is a list of three local businesses that appears at the top of Google's search results for local queries. These local results are based on the user's location, relevance to the search query, and the quality and consistency of the business's Google My Business listing. By ensuring that their listing is accurate and up-to-date, businesses can increase their chances of appearing in the Local Pack and attracting more customers.

Google My Business also has a review feature, which allows customers to leave ratings and reviews about the business. These reviews are visible on the business's Google My Business listing and can significantly impact the business's local SEO. Google uses these reviews as a ranking factor, so businesses with more positive reviews are more likely to rank higher in local search results. Additionally, positive reviews can influence the purchasing decisions of potential customers, making them more likely to choose the business over its competitors.

Yelp is another important tool for local SEO, as it is a popular platform for consumers to search for and review local businesses. Like Google My Business, Yelp allows businesses to create a listing that includes their location, hours of operation, contact information, and reviews. By claiming and optimizing a Yelp listing, businesses can increase their visibility in Yelp's search results and attract more customers.

One way Yelp impacts local SEO is through its integration with Google. When a business's Yelp listing is optimized and has positive reviews, it is more likely to appear in Google's search results, which can increase the business's visibility and credibility. Additionally, Yelp's review feature can significantly impact a business's local SEO, as Yelp's reviews are often displayed in Google's search results. This means that businesses with positive Yelp reviews are more likely to rank higher in Google's search results and attract more customers.

In conclusion, Google My Business and Yelp play a crucial role in local SEO by allowing businesses to showcase their products and services to potential customers in their area. By optimizing and maintaining their listings on these platforms, businesses can increase their visibility in local search results, attract more customers, and improve their overall online presence.

How Can I Optimize My Website for Local SEO?

Optimizing your website for local SEO is essential if you want to increase your online visibility and attract more local customers.

By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that your website is optimized for local search and improve your chances of ranking highly in the search results.

Here are some key strategies for optimizing your website for local SEO:

  • Claim your Google My Business listing: Google My Business is a free tool that allows you to manage your online presence across Google, including Google Maps and Google Search. By claiming your listing, you can add important information about your business, such as your location, hours, and contact details. This will help your business to show up in local search results and on Google Maps.
  • Include your location on your website: Make sure to include your location on your website, either in the footer or in the contact page. This will help Google to understand that your business is local and relevant to users searching for businesses in your area.
  • Optimize your website for mobile: As more and more people are using their smartphones to search for local businesses, it’s important to optimize your website for mobile. This includes ensuring that your website loads quickly, is easy to navigate, and has a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Include local keywords: Use local keywords in your website’s content and meta tags to help search engines understand that your business is relevant to users searching for businesses in your area. For example, if you run a bakery in San Francisco, you could include keywords such as “San Francisco bakery” or “SF bakery” in your website’s content and meta tags.
  • Get listed in local directories: Local directories such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, and the Better Business Bureau can help to increase your online visibility and drive traffic to your website. Make sure to claim your listings in these directories and include your business’s name, location, and contact details.
  • Encourage customer reviews: Customer reviews are a key factor in local SEO, as they help search engines to understand the quality of your business and its relevance to local customers. Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing, local directories, and your website to improve your local SEO.
  • Use social media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can help to increase your online visibility and drive traffic to your website. Use these platforms to share updates about your business, engage with your customers, and promote your products or services.
  • Use schema markup: Schema markup is a way to structure your website’s data so that it can be easily understood by search engines. By using schema markup, you can help search engines to understand important information about your business, such as your location, contact details, and hours of operation.

By following these strategies, you can optimize your website for local SEO and improve your chances of ranking highly in the search results. It’s important to regularly monitor and update your website to ensure that it is up-to-date and relevant to your local customers. With a little effort, you can increase your online visibility and attract more local customers to your business.

How Can I Use Social Media to Improve My Local SEO?

Social media can be a powerful tool for improving local SEO, as it allows businesses to connect with and engage their local audience, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to their website.

Here are some ways to use social media to improve local SEO:

  • Claim and optimize your business profiles on social media platforms: Many social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, allow businesses to create profiles that can be claimed and optimized with relevant information, such as your business name, address, phone number, and website. This not only helps to establish your business’s presence on these platforms, but it also helps search engines understand your location and determine your relevance to local searches.
  • Utilize local keywords: As you create content for your social media profiles and posts, be sure to incorporate local keywords that are relevant to your business and location. This includes the name of your city or town, as well as any specific neighborhoods or areas you serve. By using these keywords, you can increase your visibility in local search results and improve your chances of being found by potential customers.
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews: Online reviews are a crucial component of local SEO, as they help search engines understand the quality and reputation of your business. Encourage customers to leave reviews on your social media profiles, as well as on review platforms like Yelp and Google My Business. These reviews will not only improve your local SEO, but they can also provide valuable social proof to potential customers considering your business.
  • Utilize hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to increase the reach of your social media content and make it more discoverable to potential customers. When using hashtags, be sure to include local ones, such as the name of your city or town, as well as any relevant local events or landmarks. This can help increase your visibility in local search results and attract more attention from potential customers in your area.
  • Utilize geotagging: Many social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, allow users to tag their location in their posts. This can be a great way to increase your visibility in local search results, as it tells search engines that your business is located in a specific location. It can also make it easier for potential customers to find and visit your business, as they can see where you are located on a map.
  • Engage with local influencers: Connecting with local influencers on social media can be a great way to increase your visibility and credibility in the local community. By collaborating with or mentioning these influencers in your posts, you can expose your business to a larger and potentially more relevant audience. This can help improve your local SEO and increase your chances of being found by potential customers in your area.
  • Utilize local events and promotions: By promoting local events or offering special deals and promotions specifically for your local audience, you can increase your visibility and relevance in local search results. These promotions can be shared on your social media profiles and can help drive traffic to your website and physical location.

Overall, social media can be a powerful tool for improving local SEO and attracting more potential customers in your area. By optimizing your business profiles, utilizing local keywords and hashtags, encouraging customers to leave reviews, utilizing geotagging, engaging with local influencers, and promoting local events and promotions, you can increase your visibility and credibility in the local community and improve your chances of being found by potential customers.

How Can I Track the Success of My Local SEO Efforts?

Tracking the success of your local SEO efforts is crucial in order to understand what is and is not working for your business.

Here are some key ways you can measure the effectiveness of your local SEO efforts:

  • Monitor your website traffic: One of the most important indicators of the success of your local SEO efforts is the amount of traffic your website is receiving. By tracking your website traffic, you can see if there has been an increase in the number of visitors to your website. This can be done using tools like Google Analytics, which allows you to see the number of visits and the sources of traffic to your website.
  • Check your search engine rankings: Another way to track the success of your local SEO efforts is to check your search engine rankings for specific keywords related to your business. If you are ranking higher in search results, it is likely that your local SEO efforts are working. You can use tools like Google Search Console or Ahrefs to see where your website is ranking for specific keywords.
  • Monitor your online reviews: Online reviews are an important factor in local SEO, as they can influence the way consumers perceive your business. By tracking your online reviews, you can see if there has been an increase in the number of positive reviews or a decrease in the number of negative reviews. This can be done using tools like Yelp or Google My Business, which allow you to monitor and respond to customer reviews.
  • Check your backlink profile: Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. These links are important for local SEO because they demonstrate the credibility and authority of your business. By tracking your backlink profile, you can see if there has been an increase in the number of backlinks to your website. You can use tools like Ahrefs or Majestic to track your backlink profile.
  • Monitor your online citations: Online citations are mentions of your business name, address, and phone number on other websites. These citations help to improve your local SEO because they provide additional information about your business to search engines. By tracking your online citations, you can see if there has been an increase in the number of citations your business is receiving. You can use tools like BrightLocal or Moz Local to track your online citations.
  • Check your local search results: One way to track the success of your local SEO efforts is to perform a local search for your business and see if you are showing up in the results. You can use tools like Google My Business or Yext to ensure that your business information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Monitor your social media engagement: Social media is an important factor in local SEO, as it allows you to interact with your customers and build relationships. By tracking your social media engagement, you can see if there has been an increase in the number of likes, comments, and shares your business is receiving. You can use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to track your social media engagement.

In conclusion, tracking the success of your local SEO efforts is crucial in order to understand what is and is not working for your business. By monitoring your website traffic, search engine rankings, online reviews, backlink profile, online citations, local search results, and social media engagement, you can see if your local SEO efforts are paying off and make necessary adjustments.

How Do Reviews and Ratings Impact My Local SEO Ranking?

As a local business, it is essential to have a strong online presence in order to attract customers and drive sales. One way to improve your online presence is through local SEO, which involves optimizing your website and online content to rank highly in search engine results for specific geographical locations.

One factor that can significantly impact your local SEO ranking is reviews and ratings from customers.

Positive reviews and ratings can improve your local SEO ranking in a few different ways. Firstly, they can help to increase the credibility and trustworthiness of your business. When potential customers see that other people have had positive experiences with your business, they are more likely to trust you and consider using your services or products. This can lead to an increase in traffic to your website and potentially higher sales.

Another way that reviews and ratings can impact your local SEO ranking is through their effect on your online reputation. When a business has a large number of positive reviews and ratings, it can signal to search engines that it is a reputable and trustworthy business. This can lead to an increase in the ranking of your website in search results, as search engines prioritize businesses with good reputations.

On the other hand, negative reviews and ratings can have a negative impact on your local SEO ranking. If a large number of customers leave negative reviews about your business, it can signal to search engines that you are not a trustworthy or reputable business. This can lead to a decrease in your ranking in search results and potentially lower traffic to your website.

There are a few ways that you can use reviews and ratings to improve your local SEO ranking. Firstly, it is important to encourage customers to leave reviews and ratings on your website or on review websites such as Yelp or Google My Business. The more positive reviews and ratings you have, the more credible and trustworthy your business will appear to search engines and potential customers.

It is also essential to respond to both positive and negative reviews in a timely and professional manner. Responding to negative reviews shows that you care about your customers and are willing to address any issues they may have had. This can help to mitigate the negative impact that negative reviews can have on your local SEO ranking.

Another way to use reviews and ratings to improve your local SEO ranking is to include them on your website and other online content. For example, you could include a section on your website with customer reviews and ratings, or you could feature positive reviews on your social media profiles. This can help to increase the credibility and trustworthiness of your business and improve your local SEO ranking.

In conclusion, reviews and ratings can have a significant impact on your local SEO ranking. Positive reviews and ratings can increase the credibility and trustworthiness of your business and improve your online reputation, leading to an increase in your ranking in search results. On the other hand, negative reviews and ratings can decrease your local SEO ranking and potentially lower traffic to your website. By encouraging customers to leave reviews and ratings and responding to both positive and negative feedback, you can use reviews and ratings to improve your local SEO ranking and drive more traffic to your business.

How Can I Use Content Marketing to Boost My Local SEO?

Content marketing is a powerful tool for boosting local SEO, as it helps businesses to attract and retain customers by providing them with valuable, relevant, and consistent information.

By creating and distributing high-quality content that is targeted to a specific audience, businesses can increase their online visibility, drive traffic to their website, and ultimately improve their local SEO.

There are several ways in which businesses can use content marketing to boost their local SEO, including:

  • Blogging: Blogging is a great way to create regular, high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. By regularly publishing blog posts that include keywords related to your business and location, you can improve your website's visibility in local search results.
  • Local directory listings: Local directory listings, such as Yelp and Google My Business, allow businesses to provide information about their location, services, and products. By ensuring that your business is listed in these directories and that all of your information is up-to-date and accurate, you can improve your local SEO.
  • Social media: Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, provide businesses with a platform to engage with their customers and share content. By posting regular updates about your business, products, and services, you can increase your online visibility and drive traffic to your website.
  • Customer reviews: Customer reviews are a valuable source of content for businesses, as they provide potential customers with insight into the quality of your products and services. By encouraging customers to leave reviews on your website and local directories, you can improve your local SEO and attract more customers.
  • Video content: Video content is becoming increasingly popular, and it can be an effective way to engage with your audience and showcase your products and services. By creating and sharing videos on your website and social media platforms, you can improve your local SEO and attract more customers.

To effectively use content marketing to boost your local SEO, it is important to focus on creating high-quality, relevant, and consistent content that is targeted to your specific audience. This can include blog posts, social media updates, customer reviews, and video content. It is also important to optimize your content with relevant keywords and ensure that all of your information is up-to-date and accurate.

In addition, it is important to regularly track and measure the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts, as this will help you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your strategy. This can be done through tools such as Google Analytics, which can provide insights into the traffic and engagement on your website.

By using content marketing to boost your local SEO, you can increase your online visibility, drive traffic to your website, and ultimately improve your business's reach and customer base. By creating and distributing high-quality, relevant, and consistent content, you can effectively attract and retain customers and stand out from the competition in your local market.

How Do Mobile Search and Mobile-Friendly Websites Impact Local SEO?

Mobile search and mobile-friendly websites have had a significant impact on local SEO in recent years, as more and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet and search for local businesses.

First, it's important to understand that mobile search is different from desktop search in that it takes into account the user's location and provides results based on their proximity to the business. This is especially important for local SEO, as it allows businesses to show up in search results for users who are searching for services or products in their area.

To optimize for mobile search, businesses must ensure that their website is mobile-friendly. This means that the website is easily accessible and easy to navigate on a smartphone or tablet. Mobile-friendly websites typically have a responsive design, meaning that they automatically adjust to fit the screen size of the device being used.

Having a mobile-friendly website is crucial for local SEO because it allows users to easily access information about the business, such as their location, phone number, and hours of operation, while on the go. This is especially important for businesses that rely on foot traffic, as users are more likely to visit a store or restaurant if they can easily find this information on their phone.

In addition to a mobile-friendly website, businesses can also optimize for mobile search by using local keywords in their website content and meta tags. For example, a restaurant in Los Angeles might include keywords such as "best pizza in LA" or "downtown LA pizza delivery" in their website content and meta tags to help them show up in search results for users in the area.

Another important factor for local SEO is having a strong presence on local business directories and review sites. These sites, such as Yelp and Google My Business, allow businesses to add their location, phone number, and hours of operation, as well as receive reviews from customers. These reviews are especially important, as they can impact the ranking of a business in search results.

Finally, businesses should make sure to optimize their Google My Business listing by including as much information as possible, such as photos, menus, and descriptions of their products or services. This will make it easier for users to find the business on Google Maps and in search results, and can also help improve the ranking of the business in local search results.

Overall, mobile search and mobile-friendly websites have had a significant impact on local SEO, as they allow businesses to easily connect with users who are searching for services or products in their area. By optimizing their website for mobile search and having a strong presence on local business directories and review sites, businesses can improve their ranking in local search results and attract more foot traffic.

How Can I Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Local SEO Trends and Best Practices?

Staying up-to-date with the latest local SEO trends and best practices is essential for any business looking to improve their online presence and attract more customers.

Here are a few tips on how you can stay on top of these changes:

  • Follow industry blogs and publications: There are numerous blogs and publications that cover local SEO trends and best practices. Some popular ones include Moz, Search Engine Land, and Local Search Forum. Subscribe to their newsletters or follow them on social media to get the latest updates and insights.
  • Attend local SEO conferences and events: Local SEO conferences and events provide a great opportunity to learn from experts in the field and network with other professionals. Some popular local SEO events include the Local Search Summit, Local U Advanced, and the Local SEO Bootcamp.
  • Connect with other local SEO professionals: Connecting with other local SEO professionals can be a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. Join local SEO groups on LinkedIn or attend local meetups to connect with others in the industry.
  • Keep an eye on local SEO updates: Search engines like Google often release updates that can impact local SEO. Stay up-to-date with these updates by following search engine news sources and subscribing to newsletters from search engines.
  • Experiment with new tactics: One of the best ways to stay up-to-date with local SEO trends and best practices is to try out new tactics yourself. Whether it’s experimenting with new keyword strategies or trying out new local citation sources, testing out new tactics can help you stay ahead of the curve.
  • Monitor your competitors: Keeping an eye on your competitors can be a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest local SEO trends and best practices. Analyze their websites and see what tactics they are using to rank well locally. You can also use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to see what keywords they are ranking for and where they are getting their local citations from.
  • Utilize local SEO tools: There are numerous local SEO tools available that can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. Some popular ones include Yext, BrightLocal, and Moz Local. These tools can help you track your local citations, analyze your local rankings, and identify opportunities for improvement.

By following these tips, you can stay up-to-date with the latest local SEO trends and best practices and improve your online presence. Remember, local SEO is an ever-evolving field, so it’s important to stay on top of these changes to ensure that your business stays ahead of the competition.

Using Search Engine Models to Do Local SEO

Using Search Engine Models to Do Local SEO

Market Brew's search engine models can be used to do Local SEO in a number of ways.

The primary way that Market Brew's Location algorithm can be used to do Local SEO is by helping to increase the visibility of a website in the local search results.

The location algorithm in Market Brew can be used to visualize exactly how much the location algorithm affects the ranking results. This is because each search engine model calibrates the Location algorithm based on the correlation to ranking results.

Radar plot of Market Brew's calibrated algorithms.

The Location algorithm does named entity extraction to find all location entities on a page. These location entities have a latitude and longitude attached to them, and all of these are averaged to find a location centroid that is assigned to each page.

Each query is also assigned a location centroid, which enables Market Brew users the ability see the "distance to query" for each landing page in the local SERP.

Market Brew Expertise Score

Overall, the advantage of using Market Brew's calibrating search engine models can be powerful SEO software for doing Local SEO, because each local result tends to have a very different mixture of bias and weight settings within the core algorithms.

By optimizing the website's content and metadata to include keywords and phrases that are relevant to the local area, and by including location-specific information such as the name of the city or town in which the business is located, businesses can increase their visibility in the local search results and attract more customers from their local area.

By using Market Brew, businesses can understand exactly how the location algorithm and every other modeled algorithm affects the ranking results and adjust their Local SEO strategy accordingly.