Market Brew

Google's Patent on Heading Vectors and Its Impact on SEO

Google's patent on heading vectors, also known as the "Context scoring adjustments for answer passages," has the potential to significantly impact the way search engine optimization (SEO) is performed.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the patent and discuss its potential implications for the field of SEO. We will also explore some possible strategies for incorporating heading vectors into an SEO strategy.


Google's patent on heading vectors, which was filed in 2014 and granted in 2018, describes a method for ranking documents based on the vectors of their headings. In other words, the patent allows Google to use the headings of a document as a factor in determining its ranking in search results. This has the potential to significantly impact the way SEO is performed, as headings are often used to organize and structure the content of a webpage.

What are Heading Vectors?

Heading vectors in SEO refer to the use of headings, or subheadings, in a webpage or document to help search engines understand the structure and content of the page. These headings are usually denoted by HTML tags such as <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc. and are used to break up the content of a page into logical sections.

One of the main reasons for using heading vectors in SEO is to give search engines a clear hierarchy of the content on a page. By using headings, you can indicate to search engines which sections of your content are most important and which are subordinate. This helps search engines understand the overall structure and theme of your page, which can in turn influence how it is ranked in search results.

In addition to helping search engines understand the structure of your content, heading vectors can also help improve the user experience of your site. By using clear and descriptive headings, you can help users quickly scan and understand the content of your page. This can be particularly important for longer articles or pages, where users may not have the time or inclination to read through the entire page.

How Do Heading Vectors Impact SEO?

Heading vectors are a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). These vectors, which refer to the size and style of headings within a website or piece of content, can significantly impact the way search engines rank and evaluate websites.

One of the main ways heading vectors impact SEO is through the use of header tags. Header tags, or HTML tags that are used to identify the headings on a website, range from <h1> to <h6>. The <h1> tag is the most important heading, and it should be used sparingly and reserved for the main topic or title of the page. The <h2> tag is the next most important heading, followed by <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6>.

Using header tags correctly is crucial for SEO because search engines use these tags to understand the structure and hierarchy of a webpage. When a search engine crawls a webpage, it looks for header tags to determine the main topics and subtopics of the page. If the header tags are used correctly and consistently, it helps the search engine understand the page and its content more effectively, which can lead to higher rankings in search results.

In addition to using header tags correctly, it is also important to consider the size and style of the headings. Using larger, bolder headings can help draw the reader's attention and can also signal to search engines that the heading is important and relevant to the content of the page. However, it is important not to overdo it and use too many large, bold headings as it can make the page look cluttered and may deter readers.

Another aspect of heading vectors that can impact SEO is the use of keywords within headings. Including relevant keywords within headings can help search engines understand the content of the page and can also help the page rank higher for those keywords. However, it is important to use keywords naturally and not stuff them into headings as it can come across as spammy and may actually hurt the page's ranking.

Heading vectors can also impact the user experience and engagement on a webpage. Using clear and concise headings can help guide the reader through the content and make it easier for them to find the information they are looking for. This can lead to increased time on page and a lower bounce rate, both of which are factors that search engines use to rank pages.

In summary, heading vectors are an important aspect of SEO. Using header tags correctly and considering the size and style of headings can help search engines understand and rank a webpage, and can also improve the user experience and engagement. It is important to use heading vectors effectively, but not to overdo it, as it can lead to a cluttered and spammy appearance.

Strategies for Incorporating Heading Vectors into an SEO Strategy

Heading vectors are an important tool in SEO that help search engines understand the structure and content of a webpage. By using clear and descriptive headings and following best practices, you can help improve the SEO and user experience of your site.

There are a few best practices to keep in mind when using heading vectors in SEO:

  1. Use headings appropriately: Make sure to use headings only when they are appropriate and necessary. Avoid using headings just for the sake of using them or to try and manipulate search rankings.
  2. Use descriptive and relevant headings: Use headings that accurately describe the content of the section and are relevant to the overall theme of your page. Avoid using vague or spammy headings that have little to do with the content of your page.
  3. Use unique headings: Each heading on your page should be unique and not repeat the same content as another heading. This helps search engines understand the unique value of each section of your content.
  4. Use a hierarchy of headings: Use a hierarchy of headings to indicate the relative importance of different sections of your content. For example, use <h1> for the main heading of your page and <h2> for subheadings within that section.
  5. Use headings in the appropriate order: Make sure to use headings in the appropriate order, with higher-level headings coming before lower-level headings. This helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your content.

Heading Vectors and Search Engines

Google is constantly updating and improving its algorithms in order to provide the most relevant and useful search results for users. One way it does this is by incorporating heading vectors into its algorithms.

Heading vectors, also known as h-vectors, are a way of representing the structure of a webpage in a numerical form. These vectors are created by analyzing the headings and subheadings on a webpage and assigning them a numerical value based on their hierarchy and importance. For example, a page with a main heading followed by several subheadings would have a higher h-vector value than a page with just a single heading.

Google uses h-vectors to better understand the content and structure of a webpage. By analyzing the h-vectors of a webpage, Google can determine which headings and subheadings are most important and relevant to the content of the page. This helps Google to better understand the topic and focus of the page, and to better match it with relevant search queries.

Incorporating h-vectors into its algorithms also allows Google to better identify spam and low-quality pages. Pages with a low h-vector value, or pages with headings that are not relevant to the content of the page, are often considered to be of low quality and may be demoted in search rankings.

In addition to using h-vectors to understand the content and structure of a webpage, Google also uses them to improve the user experience. By analyzing the h-vectors of a webpage, Google can determine which headings and subheadings are most likely to be of interest to users and can use this information to improve the search results displayed to users.

Google also uses h-vectors to improve the accuracy of its search results. By understanding the structure and organization of a webpage, Google can better match it with relevant search queries and provide more accurate results to users.

Overall, the incorporation of heading vectors into Google's algorithms is a key component of the search giant's efforts to provide the most relevant and useful search results for users. By using h-vectors to understand the content and structure of a webpage, Google is able to improve the accuracy and quality of its search results and provide a better user experience.

Market Brew models a heading vector algorithm used by search engines, like Google, to analyze and understand the content and structure of a webpage. It does this through its precise modeling of Sentence-BERT, a sentence-level embedding approach.

It involves assigning numerical values, known as heading vectors or h-vectors, to headings and subheadings present in the HTML markup of a page, using embeddings and cosine similarities. This is one of many ways / algorithms that utilize embeddings on or about the features of a web page.

Why do we do this? By analyzing the hierarchy and importance of these headings, algorithms (some of which we've modeled) can better understand the topics and themes of a webpage.

What's the catch? One thing you need to realize is that by adding all of those H3 tags, you could be inadvertently changing the vector representation in these algorithms, thus altering topic cannibalization or expertise scoring on that page in a particular topic.

Remember, when a user searches for something on Google, part of search engine's semantic score for each landing page is going to use one or more algorithms like the heading vector algorithm, so understanding the structure of the underlying embeddings is really what you are asking for.

You can use this free AI Overviews Visualizer to see the embeddings mapped out. This tool is a model based off of Google's AI Overviews.