Market Brew

Google's Medic Update And Its Impact On The Healthcare Industry

The Google Medic update, which was released in August 2018, caused significant changes to the ranking of websites in search results.

This update targeted websites in the healthcare and "Your Money or Your Life" (YMYL) industries, with the goal of improving the quality and trustworthiness of the information that was being presented to users.

In this article, we will explore the main goals of the update, how it affected different types of websites, and what actions website owners can take to recover from any negative effects. We will also compare the Medic update to other major updates, such as Panda and Penguin, and discuss the overall impact it has had on the search landscape.


If you are a website owner or digital marketer, it is important to stay up to date on the latest algorithm updates from Google.

One update that caused significant changes to the ranking of websites in search results was the Google Medic update, which was released in August 2018. This update targeted websites in the healthcare and "Your Money or Your Life" (YMYL) industries, with the goal of improving the quality and trustworthiness of the information that was being presented to users.

In this article, we will delve into the details of the Medic update and discuss its impact on different types of websites. We will also provide guidance on how website owners can recover from any negative effects of the update and compare the Medic update to other major updates, such as Panda and Penguin.

What Was The Main Goal Of The Google Medic Update?

The Google Medic update, also known as the August 1, 2018 Core Algorithm Update, was a major update to the Google search algorithm that was released on August 1, 2018.

Its main goal was to improve the quality and relevance of search results for users by better understanding the content and context of web pages.

One of the main goals of the Google Medic update was to address the issue of "Your Money or Your Life" (YMYL) pages. YMYL pages are web pages that have the potential to impact a person's health, financial stability, or overall well-being. Examples of YMYL pages include pages about financial products and services, medical and health information, and legal advice. The Google Medic update aimed to improve the quality and accuracy of YMYL pages in order to protect users from misinformation or harmful content.

Another goal of the Google Medic update was to improve the overall user experience of the Google search engine. This included making it easier for users to find relevant and useful information, as well as improving the quality of the search results themselves. Google also wanted to make it easier for users to find pages that were relevant to their queries, even if those pages were not necessarily the most popular or highly ranked.

In order to achieve these goals, the Google Medic update made changes to the way that the Google search algorithm evaluated and ranked web pages. This included changes to the way that Google analyzed the content of web pages, as well as changes to the way that it evaluated the relevance and authority of those pages. The update also made changes to the way that Google handled spam and low-quality content, in order to ensure that users were not being directed to misleading or harmful pages.

Overall, the main goal of the Google Medic update was to improve the quality and relevance of search results for users, with a particular focus on YMYL pages. By making changes to the way that it analyzed and ranked web pages, Google aimed to provide users with more accurate and useful information, as well as a better overall search experience.

How Did The Google Medic Update Affect The Ranking Of Websites In Search Results?

The Google Medic update, also known as the "August 2018 Broad Core Algorithm Update," was a major change to the search algorithm used by Google to rank websites in search results.

The update, which was announced on August 1, 2018, was designed to improve the relevance and accuracy of search results for a wide range of queries.

One of the main goals of the Google Medic update was to better understand the content of websites and the context in which it is used. This involved analyzing the overall structure and organization of a website, as well as the specific language and terminology used in its content. The update also aimed to improve the way that Google understands the relationships between different pages on a website, and the way that it interprets the links between websites.

One of the main impacts of the Google Medic update was on websites in the healthcare and medical industries. These types of websites often have complex, technical content that can be difficult for search algorithms to understand. The update was designed to better understand and interpret this type of content, and to ensure that it was being ranked appropriately in search results.

In addition to improving the ranking of healthcare and medical websites, the Google Medic update also had a wider impact on the overall ranking of websites in search results. Some websites saw their rankings improve as a result of the update, while others saw their rankings drop. The specific impact of the update on any given website depended on a variety of factors, including the quality and relevance of the website's content, the structure and organization of the website, and the presence of any technical issues or errors.

One of the key factors that the Google Medic update looked at was the quality of a website's content. Websites with high-quality, well-written content that was relevant to the user's search query were more likely to see an improvement in their rankings. On the other hand, websites with poor-quality, spammy, or irrelevant content were more likely to see a decline in their rankings.

Another factor that the update considered was the structure and organization of a website. Websites that were well-structured, with clear navigation and a logical hierarchy of pages, were more likely to see an improvement in their rankings. Websites with a poor structure or confusing navigation were more likely to see a decline in their rankings.

Finally, the Google Medic update also looked at the presence of any technical issues or errors on a website. Websites with technical issues such as broken links, slow loading times, or mobile compatibility problems were more likely to see a decline in their rankings. On the other hand, websites that were free of technical issues were more likely to see an improvement in their rankings.

Overall, the Google Medic update had a significant impact on the ranking of websites in search results. It improved the way that Google understands and interprets the content and structure of websites, and ensured that high-quality, relevant websites were being ranked appropriately in search results. While some websites saw their rankings improve as a result of the update, others saw their rankings decline. The specific impact of the update on any given website depended on a variety of factors, including the quality and relevance of the website's content, the structure and organization of the website, and the presence of any technical issues or errors.

What Types Of Websites Were Most Affected By The Google Medic Update?

The Google Medic update, which was released in August 2018, aimed to improve the quality of medical-related content on the internet. This update targeted websites that focused on health and wellness, as well as websites that offered medical information or advice.

The goal of the update was to improve the accuracy and reliability of the information being shared on these types of websites, as well as to protect users from potentially harmful or misleading content.

One of the main types of websites that were affected by the Google Medic update were those that focused on health and wellness. These types of websites often offer tips and advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as well as information on various health conditions and treatments. The Google Medic update aimed to ensure that the information being shared on these types of websites was accurate and reliable, and that the content was being presented in a way that was easy for users to understand.

Another type of website that was affected by the Google Medic update were those that offered medical information or advice. This includes websites that provide information on various medical conditions and treatments, as well as those that offer advice on how to manage specific health issues. The Google Medic update aimed to improve the accuracy and reliability of the information being shared on these types of websites, and to protect users from potentially harmful or misleading content.

Websites that focused on alternative medicine or natural remedies were also affected by the Google Medic update. These types of websites often offer information on alternative treatments or therapies that may not be supported by mainstream medical science. The Google Medic update aimed to ensure that the information being shared on these types of websites was accurate and reliable, and that the content was being presented in a way that was easy for users to understand.

In addition to the above types of websites, the Google Medic update also affected websites that offered medical products or services. This includes websites that sell medications or supplements, as well as those that offer medical procedures or treatments. The Google Medic update aimed to ensure that the information being shared on these types of websites was accurate and reliable, and that the content was being presented in a way that was easy for users to understand.

Overall, the Google Medic update had a significant impact on websites that focused on health and wellness, as well as those that offered medical information or advice. These types of websites were targeted in order to improve the accuracy and reliability of the information being shared, and to protect users from potentially harmful or misleading content. While the update may have caused some disruption to these types of websites initially, it ultimately helped to improve the quality and reliability of the content being shared, which is beneficial for both users and website owners.

Were There Any Specific Factors That Google Focused On As Part Of The Update?

When Google released the update to its search algorithm in August 2018, known as the "Medic Update," there were a number of specific factors that the company focused on as part of the update.

These factors were intended to improve the overall quality and relevance of the search results that Google provides to its users.

One of the primary factors that Google focused on as part of the Medic Update was the overall quality of the content on a website. This included factors such as the relevance of the content to the search query, the depth and breadth of the content, and the overall readability and usability of the content. Google also placed a greater emphasis on the authority and credibility of the websites that were ranking highly in the search results. This meant that websites with a strong reputation and a high level of trust among users were more likely to rank higher in the search results than those with a lower level of trust.

Another factor that Google focused on as part of the Medic Update was the presence of spammy or low-quality content on a website. Google has always had a strong focus on ensuring that its search results are free from spam and low-quality content, and the Medic Update was no exception. Websites that were found to be hosting spammy or low-quality content were likely to see a significant drop in their rankings as a result of the update.

In addition to these factors, Google also focused on the overall user experience on a website as part of the Medic Update. This included factors such as the speed of the website, the usability of the website on different devices, and the presence of intrusive or annoying ads. Websites that provided a good user experience were more likely to rank higher in the search results than those that did not.

Finally, Google also focused on the overall structure and organization of a website as part of the Medic Update. This included factors such as the use of headings and subheadings, the presence of internal links, and the use of alt tags on images. Websites that were well-structured and organized were more likely to rank higher in the search results than those that were poorly structured or difficult to navigate.

Overall, the Medic Update was a significant update to Google's search algorithm, and it had a significant impact on the rankings of many websites. By focusing on a number of specific factors, Google was able to improve the overall quality and relevance of the search results that it provided to its users. This, in turn, has helped to increase user satisfaction and trust in the search results that Google provides.

What Actions Can Website Owners Take To Recover From Any Negative Effects Of The Google Medic Update?

The Google Medic update, released in August 2018, was aimed at improving the ranking of websites with high-quality, authoritative content related to medical and health-related topics.

However, many websites saw a drop in their search rankings as a result of this update, which can have negative effects on traffic and revenue.

If you are a website owner who has been affected by the Google Medic update, there are several actions you can take to recover and improve your search rankings:

  • Evaluate your content quality: The first step in recovering from the Google Medic update is to evaluate the quality of your content. Google places a high emphasis on authoritative and informative content, particularly when it comes to medical and health topics. Check that your content is well-researched, accurate, and written in a clear and concise manner. If you have any outdated or low-quality content, consider updating or deleting it.
  • Optimize your website for mobile: With the increase in mobile searches, it is important to optimize your website for mobile devices. This includes having a responsive design, fast loading times, and easy navigation. Google has stated that mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor, so making sure your website is optimized for mobile can help improve your search rankings.
  • Build quality backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites that point back to your website. These are important for improving your search rankings because they show that your website is trusted and authoritative. To recover from the Google Medic update, focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. This can be done through guest blogging, creating valuable content that others will want to link to, and participating in online communities and forums related to your industry.
  • Use structured data: Structured data is a way to mark up your website's content with tags that help search engines understand the meaning and context of your content. This can include things like product reviews, event information, and recipe ingredients. Using structured data can help your website rank higher in search results, as it helps Google understand what your website is about.
  • Optimize your website's speed: A slow loading website can be frustrating for users and can also negatively impact your search rankings. To improve your website's speed, consider using a caching plugin, optimizing images, and reducing the number of plugins you are using. You can also use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze your website's speed and get recommendations for improvement.
  • Improve your website's user experience: Google places a high emphasis on user experience, so making sure your website is easy to use and navigate can help improve your search rankings. Consider things like page layout, font size and color, and the overall design of your website. You can also use tools like Google Analytics to track user behavior and identify any areas of your website that may need improvement.
  • Monitor your website's performance: To effectively recover from the Google Medic update, it is important to regularly monitor your website's performance. This includes tracking your search rankings, traffic, and conversions. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to get a detailed view of your website's performance and identify areas that need improvement.

By taking these actions, website owners can recover from the negative effects of the Google Medic update and improve their search rankings. It is important to regularly update and optimize your website to ensure it meets Google's criteria for high-quality, authoritative content. With time and effort, you can improve your search rankings and drive more traffic and revenue to your website.

How Long Did The Google Medic Update Take To Fully Roll Out?

The Google Medic update, also known as the August 1, 2018 Core Update, was a major algorithm update that was announced by Google on August 1, 2018.

This update was designed to improve the overall quality of Google's search results by focusing on the health and expertise of the websites that were ranking in the search results.

The rollout of the Google Medic update was a gradual process that took several weeks to fully implement. According to Google, the update was released in stages, with the first wave of the update rolling out on August 1, 2018. This initial rollout focused on the most critical elements of the update, including changes to the way that Google evaluated the quality and expertise of websites.

Over the following weeks, Google continued to roll out the update in stages, with each stage targeting a different aspect of the algorithm. For example, the second wave of the update focused on the way that Google evaluated the relevance of websites, while the third wave focused on the way that Google evaluated the overall user experience of websites.

It is worth noting that the Google Medic update was not a one-time event. Instead, it was a continuous process that took place over several weeks and months. This means that the impact of the update on individual websites could vary depending on when they were first evaluated by the algorithm.

In general, the rollout of the Google Medic update took several weeks to fully implement. This was a significant update that affected a large number of websites, and it took time for Google to assess the impact of the update and make any necessary adjustments to the algorithm.

It is also worth noting that the Google Medic update was not the only update that Google released in 2018. In fact, Google releases updates to its search algorithm on a regular basis, with the goal of improving the quality and relevance of the search results. These updates are typically released quietly, without any official announcement from Google.

Overall, the Google Medic update was a major update that took several weeks to fully roll out. It had a significant impact on the search results and helped to improve the quality of the websites that were ranking in the search results. While the rollout of the update may have caused some disruptions for some websites, it ultimately helped to improve the overall user experience of Google's search engine.

Were There Any Notable Changes To The Google Algorithm As Part Of The Medic Update?

The Google algorithm is constantly evolving and changing in order to improve the search experience for users. One of the most notable updates to the algorithm in recent years was the Medic update, which was released in August 2018.

This update was specifically designed to improve the quality of medical and health-related content on the internet.

One of the main changes that was made as part of the Medic update was the increased focus on experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) of websites. Google wanted to ensure that users were getting accurate and reliable information when searching for medical or health-related topics. To do this, the algorithm was designed to give higher rankings to websites that demonstrated a high level of E-E-A-T.

This meant that websites with a strong track record of providing accurate and reliable information were more likely to rank higher in search results. Websites that had been written by experts in their field, or that were published by well-respected organizations, were also more likely to rank higher.

Another change that was made as part of the Medic update was the increased emphasis on the quality of content. Google wanted to ensure that users were getting high-quality, well-written content that was easy to read and understand. To do this, the algorithm was designed to give higher rankings to websites that had well-written, informative content that was relevant to the search query.

This meant that websites with poorly written content, or content that was stuffed with keywords in an attempt to manipulate search rankings, were more likely to be penalized by the algorithm. Google also began to prioritize content that was formatted in a way that made it easy for users to read and understand, such as using clear headings and bullet points.

Another notable change that was made as part of the Medic update was the increased focus on user experience. Google wanted to ensure that users were having a positive experience when they visited a website, and the algorithm was designed to give higher rankings to websites that provided a good user experience.

This meant that websites that were slow to load, or that had a confusing layout, were more likely to be penalized by the algorithm. Google also began to prioritize websites that were mobile-friendly, as more and more users were accessing the internet via their smartphones.

Overall, the Medic update was a significant change to the Google algorithm that had a major impact on the search rankings of websites in the medical and health-related sectors. The focus on E-E-A-T, content quality, and user experience helped to ensure that users were getting accurate, reliable, and high-quality information when searching for medical or health-related topics.

While the Medic update was primarily aimed at improving the quality of medical and health-related content, it also had wider implications for the entire internet. By prioritizing websites with strong E-E-A-T, high-quality content, and a good user experience, Google was able to improve the overall quality of the search results that it was providing to users.

In conclusion, the Medic update was a significant change to the Google algorithm that had a major impact on the search rankings of websites in the medical and health-related sectors. By focusing on E-E-A-T, content quality, and user experience, the update helped to ensure that users were getting accurate, reliable, and high-quality information when searching for medical or health-related topics. This had wider implications for the entire internet, as the update helped to improve the overall quality of the search results that Google was providing to users.

How Did The Google Medic Update Compare To Other Major Updates, Such As Panda And Penguin?

The Google Medic update, which was released in August 2018, was a major algorithm update that targeted websites in the medical and health industry.

It was designed to improve the quality of search results for users seeking medical information online, and to provide more accurate and reliable information for these types of searches.

Unlike some other major updates, such as Panda and Penguin, the Google Medic update was not focused on penalizing websites for certain types of behavior. Instead, it was focused on rewarding websites that provided high-quality and trustworthy information on medical and health topics. This included prioritizing websites that were written by experts or professionals in the field, and those that were regularly updated with current and accurate information.

One of the main differences between the Google Medic update and other major updates, such as Panda and Penguin, is that it was not designed to be a one-time event. Instead, it was intended to be a continuous process, with the algorithm being regularly updated and refined to ensure that the most relevant and reliable information was being displayed to users. This means that websites that may have been affected by the update had the opportunity to improve their content and practices in order to regain their ranking in search results.

Unlike the Panda update, which was focused on penalizing websites that had low-quality or spammy content, the Google Medic update was more concerned with the credibility and authority of the information being provided. This meant that websites with high-quality, well-researched content were more likely to be rewarded, while those with poorly written or unreliable information were less likely to rank highly in search results.

Similarly, the Google Medic update was different from the Penguin update, which targeted websites that were using manipulative tactics to improve their ranking in search results. While the Google Medic update did consider the use of certain tactics, such as keyword stuffing or link building, it was more concerned with the overall quality and reliability of the information being provided. This meant that websites that were using these tactics to try and manipulate their ranking were less likely to be rewarded, while those that were providing genuine value to users were more likely to be rewarded.

Overall, the Google Medic update was a significant change to the way that Google handles medical and health-related searches, and it has had a significant impact on the way that websites in these industries are ranked in search results. While it was not focused on penalizing websites, it did place a greater emphasis on the credibility and authority of the information being provided, which has led to many websites having to improve the quality of their content in order to maintain their ranking in search results. While the Google Medic update may have been more targeted than other major updates, such as Panda and Penguin, it has had a significant impact on the way that websites in the medical and health industry are ranked, and it will continue to be an important factor in determining search results for these types of searches in the future.

Were There Any Official Communications From Google About The Medic Update?

The Medic update, also known as the August 1st, 2018 update, was a major algorithm update implemented by Google in an effort to improve the quality and relevance of medical-related content in search results.

This update was highly anticipated by many in the SEO industry, as Google had not released any official communication about it beforehand.

However, once the update rolled out, Google did release a statement on their Webmaster Central Blog acknowledging the update and explaining its purpose.

In the statement, Google wrote: "Each day, we make thousands of changes to our algorithms to improve search results. Some are more noticeable than others. This week we released a broad core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. Our guidance about such updates remains the same as in March, as we covered here. Please remain cautious about drawing too many conclusions from specific experiments. There's no 'fix' for pages that may perform less well other than to remain focused on building great content. Over time, it may be that your content may rise relative to other pages."

This statement was somewhat vague and did not provide much detail on the specific changes that were made in the Medic update. However, it did highlight the importance of focusing on creating high-quality content, as this is what Google values in its search results.

One of the main impacts of the Medic update was on websites in the health and medical industry, which saw a significant shift in rankings. Many websites that had previously ranked well for medical-related keywords saw a drop in their rankings, while others that had previously struggled to rank saw an improvement.

In the aftermath of the update, there was much speculation about the specific changes that Google had made and how to optimize for them. However, Google did not release any further official communication about the update, leaving many in the SEO industry to rely on anecdotal evidence and observations in order to try and understand the impact of the update.

Despite the lack of official communication, there were some key takeaways that emerged from the Medic update. One of the main ones was the importance of high-quality content. Many of the websites that saw a decline in rankings were found to have low-quality or spammy content, while those that saw an improvement were typically found to have well-researched and informative content.

Another key takeaway was the importance of E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) in Google's ranking algorithm. This concept, which had been emphasized in Google's Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines for years, became even more important after the Medic update. Websites that could demonstrate their expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in their respective industries saw an improvement in their rankings, while those that could not saw a decline.

In conclusion, there were only a few official communications from Google about the Medic update. However, the update did provide some valuable insights into what Google values in its search results, particularly in the health and medical industry. High-quality content and E-E-A-T are both crucial factors in ranking well in Google, and it is important for website owners to focus on these elements in order to improve their rankings and attract more traffic.

What Has Been The Overall Impact Of The Google Medic Update On The Search Landscape?

The Google Medic update, also known as the "broad core algorithm update," was released in August 2018 and caused significant changes to the search landscape.

The update was designed to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results, particularly in the health and medical sectors.

One of the main impacts of the Google Medic update was an increase in the importance of content quality. Prior to the update, some websites were able to rank highly in search results even if their content was thin or low-quality. However, the Google Medic update placed a greater emphasis on the relevance and authority of websites, causing many poorly-performing websites to drop in rankings.

This shift towards quality content had a significant impact on the search landscape, as it rewarded websites with informative and well-written content while penalizing those with shallow or spammy content. Many websites were forced to improve the quality of their content in order to maintain or improve their rankings, leading to a general improvement in the overall quality of search results.

In addition to content quality, the Google Medic update also placed a greater emphasis on user experience. This included factors such as page load times, mobile-friendliness, and the overall design and usability of websites. Websites that provided a good user experience were more likely to rank highly in search results, while those with slow loading times or poor mobile design were penalized.

Another impact of the Google Medic update was a decrease in the effectiveness of certain SEO tactics. For example, the update made it more difficult for websites to rank highly through the use of keyword stuffing or link spamming. These tactics, which were previously used by some websites to manipulate search rankings, were less effective after the update, leading to a decrease in the use of such tactics.

Overall, the Google Medic update had a positive impact on the search landscape, as it helped to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results. It also led to a general improvement in the quality of content and user experience on the internet, as websites were forced to adapt in order to maintain or improve their rankings.

However, the update also had some negative impacts. Some websites experienced significant drops in rankings, which led to a decrease in traffic and revenue for those businesses. Additionally, the update was not always well-received by those who were used to ranking highly through the use of questionable SEO tactics.

Despite these negative impacts, the Google Medic update was largely seen as a necessary step in the evolution of search. It helped to improve the quality of search results and made it harder for spammy or low-quality websites to rank highly. As a result, the overall impact of the update was positive, as it helped to create a more accurate and relevant search experience for users.

How Market Brew Models The Medic Update

How Market Brew Models The Medic Update

The Google Medic Update, which was released in August 2018, was a significant algorithm update that targeted the health and wellness industry. It aimed to improve the quality and relevance of search results related to health and medical information.

This update had a major impact on the search engine rankings of many websites in the health and wellness industry, leading to significant changes in traffic and revenue for some sites.

Market Brew, a leading AI SEO software provider, has developed a number of algorithms that model the Google Medic Update. These algorithms help website owners and marketers to understand the impact of the update on their websites and to make the necessary changes to improve their search engine rankings.

One of the key algorithms developed by Market Brew is the Link Neighborhood algorithm. This algorithm was originally designed to simulate Google's Supplemental Index, which was used to index low-quality or thin content on the web. However, the Link Neighborhood algorithm has since evolved to become a leading tool for identifying poor or thin content on websites.

The Link Neighborhood algorithm works by analyzing the link structure of a website and identifying patterns that may indicate low-quality content. For example, if a website has a large number of external links pointing to it, but the content on the site is thin or low-quality, the Link Neighborhood algorithm may flag this as a potential issue.

Modeling the Medic Update using Market Brew's Link Neighborhood

In addition to the Link Neighborhood algorithm, Market Brew also uses the Core Web Vitals algorithms to model the user experience portion of the Google Medic Update. These algorithms are designed to measure the performance and user experience of websites, including factors such as page load time, mobile friendliness, and the overall layout and design of the site.

The Core Web Vitals algorithms can help website owners and marketers to understand how their site is performing in terms of user experience and to identify areas for improvement. By making changes to improve the user experience of a site, website owners can improve their search engine rankings and attract more traffic.

Modeling the Medic Update's focus on user experience with Core Web Vitals algorithms

Finally, Market Brew's Keyword Stuffing algorithm models the spam portion of the Google Medic Update. This algorithm is designed to identify websites that are using excessive or irrelevant keywords in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings.

The Keyword Stuffing algorithm works by analyzing the content on a website and identifying patterns of keyword usage that may indicate spamming. For example, if a website has a large number of keywords that are unrelated to the content on the site, the Keyword Stuffing algorithm may flag this as a potential issue.

Overall, Market Brew's algorithms are an effective tool for modeling the Google Medic Update and helping website owners and marketers to understand the impact of the update on their sites.

By using these algorithms, website owners can make the necessary changes to improve their search engine rankings and attract more traffic.